Grade Level Recommendations
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your courses, interests, and future plans.
- If applicable, review the NCAA core course requirements and eligibility criteria at
- Consider what is important to you and set goals for success.
- Begin exploring career areas of interest and post-secondary options. Visit
- Get involved in extra-curricular activities in school and in the community. Lists for CDHS clubs and organizations are located in the counseling office.
- Read! Read! Read! Improve your reading skills.
- Explore summer enrichment opportunities.
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your courses, interests, and future plans.
- If applicable, review the NCAA core course requirements/eligibility criteria and complete the online registration process at
- Consider what is important to you and set goals for success.
- Continue exploring career options.
- Stay involved in extra-curricular activities.
- Register for the PSAT's.
- Become familiar with the college entrance requirements.
- Pursue summer enrichment programs.
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your courses, interests, future plans, and if applicable, NCAA core course requirements and eligibility criteria.
- If applicable, review the NCAA core course requirements/eligibility criteria and complete the online registration process at
- Consider what is important to you and set goals for success.
- Continue exploring career options and furthering your education.
- Stay involved in extra-curricular activities.
- Register for the PSAT's, SAT I, ACT, and SAT II (Tier I schools).
- Meet with college representatives visiting CDHS.
- Attend the district college fair.
- Visit colleges of interest and consider summer enrichment programs.
- Become familiar with the college entrance requirements.
- Begin requesting teacher recommendations.
- Meet with your counselor to discuss your courses, interests, and future plans.
- If applicable, review the NCAA core course requirements/eligibility criteria and complete the online registration process at
- Consider what is important to you and set goals for success.
- Continue exploring career options.
- Meet with college representatives visiting CDHS.
- Attend the district college fair.
- Stay involved in extra-curricular activities.
- Submit your college applications.
- Apply for any scholarships and/or financial aid needed.
- Attend the district financial aid night.