ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this voluntary organization is the Central Dauphin High School Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (CDHS PTSO) and, is located in West Hanover Township in Dauphin County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ARTICLE II: PURPOSE Section A: The CDHS PTSO, as a voluntary non-profit organization, is composed of dues paying members coming together to: 1. Establish a forum for parents, teachers, and students to promote quality education, a safe and drug free school, community service and volunteerism; 2. Recognize the efforts of students, educators, administrators, and parents who have distinguished themselves as members of the Central Dauphin High School community; and, 3. Promote a dialogue among the CDHS parents, students, educators, and administrators who govern the School District. Section B: The CDHS PTSO shall work to achieve its purposes through a variety of means including, but not necessarily limited to, meetings, programs, projects, conferences, and fundraising so long as they comply with the Governing Policies set forth in Article III.
ARTICLE III: GOVERNING POLICIES The following are governing policies for the CDHS PTSO: A. The Organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. B. The name of the Organization, or the names of any member in his/her official capacity, shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern, or in connection with any partisan interest, or for any purpose not appropriately related to ARTICLE II; Section A; 1-3 above. C. The Organization shall not, either directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any political campaign, either in opposition or promotion; or devote any of its activities toward attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise. D. The Organization shall work with CDHS and the School District to provide quality education for all students and shall seek to participate in the policy and decision-making processes, recognizing the legal and management responsibilities of those employed by the District and the Central Dauphin School District School Board. E. No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall incur to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons. The Organization shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in ARTICLE II; Section A; 1-3 above.
ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Section A: Membership to the CDHS PTSO shall be made available without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin. Section B: At the beginning of every academic year, the Organization shall conduct a membership campaign. Members must enroll in the PTSO prior to March 1st of the academic year to receive credit as a member for that academic year. No retroactive payments or adjustments will be made to accommodate membership status for prior years. Student members must be a student of CDHS. If a student transfers out of CDHS, the student’s membership benefits are suspended until his/her return to CDHS. Section C: The annual membership dues shall be set annually by the Executive Board: 1. Entitle each paid member one vote on the PTSO on matters that come before this Organization; 2. Entitle each paid member to all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities set forth in these by-laws; and 3. Entitle all members to all privileges including holding chairmanships and offices; however, only one person per household may serve as an Executive Officer of the Organization. Section D: The Membership Chair shall keep the official record (name and address of members, date paid, any additional information so determined) also to include the annual membership status of students by academic year.
ARTICLE V: OFFICERS, TERMS, NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section A: Each officer shall be a member in good standing. Section B: The Executive Officers of the CDHS PTSO shall consist of a President, a Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, and shall comprise the "Executive Board." Section C: Officers shall be elected by ballot in the month of May and shall assume their duties on July 1st. Section D: Each Officer shall serve consecutive terms until they resign, or another member is elected by the Organization for their position. Section E: Nominating and Election Process: 1. The President shall request nominations at the March and April meetings of the academic year preceding the new term of office. 2. The Executive Board shall conduct a search for nominees for each Office using whatever means appropriate and necessary to secure a complete slate of candidates. 3. To be eligible for the position of President, the nominee must have attended at least 50% of the PTSO meetings during the year. 4. At the May meeting of the PTSO, (see ARTICLE VI, below) the President shall present a slate of candidates and the election will be by majority vote of all those present. Section F: Vacancies During the School Year 1. A vacancy occurring in any office, other than President, shall be filled by or appointed by the President, with the advice and majority consent of Executive Board. 2. In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall fill the unexpired term.
ARTICLE VI: DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section A: The President shall: 1. Preside at all meetings of the Organization; 2. Prepare the agenda for all meetings; 3. Perform duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws, or assigned by the Organization, or the Executive Board; 4. Serve as “Ex Officio member to all committees; 5. Appoint committee chairs; and, 6. Appoint CDHS PTSO representatives from the Executive Board and the membership to serve on committees, which have requested CDHS PTSO participation. Section B: The Vice President shall: 1. Preside at meetings of the Organization, when the President is not in attendance; 2. Serve as Membership Chair; and, maintain the official membership list, and; Section C: The Recording Secretary shall: 1. Record the minutes of all official meetings of the Organization; 2. Keep a current copy of these by-laws; and, 3. Preserve all official records regarding the business of the Organization. Section D: The Treasurer shall: 1. Be custodian of all funds of the Organization; 2. Make authorized disbursements; 3. Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; 4. Be authorized to sign all checks or vouchers that are less than or equal to $500. And, shall co-sign with a duly elected officer, checks and vouchers in excess of $500. 5. Present a financial statement and report at every official meeting of the Organization; and, 6. Maintain all financial records in good order for at least the past 8 fiscal years and at the end of each year, transfer all such records to the Recording Secretary. Section E: All officers shall perform the duties outlined in these by-laws and those assigned from time to time. Upon the expiration of the term of office or in the case of resignation, each officer shall turn over to the President, within ten days, all records, books, and other materials and funds pertaining to the office.
ARTICLE VII: EXECUTIVE BOARD AND PTSO Section A: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Organization. The PTSO shall include the chairs of all committees and the principal of CDHS, or his/her designee, and all CDHS parents, students and CDHS staff considered Members according to Article IV. The Executive Board shall act on matters that must be addressed in between regularly scheduled meetings. Section B: The designee from all parent groups associated with CDHS shall be invited to serve on the PTSO and shall be entitled to vote, provided the individual is a CDHS PTSO member; however, in those cases when the designee is not a member, she/he shall be entitled to participate in discussions. Section C: The duties of the PTSO shall include, but not be limited to: 1. The transaction of the necessary business of the Organization; 2. The creation of and reporting by standing committees; 3. The adoption of the annual budget and annual plan of activities of the Organization; and, 4. The approval of expenditures not included in the annual budget. Section D: Regular meetings of the PTSO shall be held during the academic year at a fixed time. All members of the PTSO in attendance, regardless of number, shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the PTSO may be called by the President, provided five-day advance notice is given to all members.
ARTICLE VIII: COMMITTEES Section A: Only members of the CDHS PTSO shall have voting rights on any committee. Section B: The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, shall establish all committees to carry out the work of the Organization. Section C: The President shall appoint a chair for all committees, except for the Nominating Committee. Section D: The chair shall be responsible for organizing the work of the committee, preparing a budget, and reporting its work to the PTSO.
ARTICLE IX: DISSOLUTION Section A: The organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting. Section B: Upon the dissolution of this Organization, after settling all debts and obligations, the remaining assets shall be distributed to CDHS, or its successor which would be exempt under section 501(c)(3), and used for educational purposes.
ARTICLE X: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION The “Articles of Organization” of this association comprise these bylaws, as from time to time amended, and the “Articles of Association”, if any. In the absences of separate Articles of Association, these bylaws shall be deemed to be the Articles of Association. In the event of any conflict between the bylaws and the Articles of Association, these bylaws shall govern.
ARTICLE XI: AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS Section A: Amendments 1. Every academic year that begins in an even number (2020, 2022, etc...) the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board shall review and when necessary propose Amendments to the By-Laws. 2. Proposed amendments shall be presented by the Executive Board to the PTSO for concurrence. 3. A simple majority of the PTSO members present and voting shall be sufficient for ratification of the proposed amendments.