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Central Dauphin High School Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) a Service and Scholarship organization

Our organization is similar to a PTA or PTO where we provide many services to the school. The difference at the high school level is that we are a PTSO (the S stands for student). Meaning, in addition to parents and teachers, we also encourage students to join and become active members of our organization. We allow students to chair committees to gain leadership experience, give prizes to top student sellers of our fundraisers, award scholarships to deserving student members, and recognize the student most actively involved in our organization as the “PTSO Student of the Year”.  

All Members (parents, students, and building staff) are $5.00.  PLEASE NOTE THAT LIFETIME PTA MEMBERSHIPS DO NOT APPLY TO PTSO. 

  • To be eligible for a PTSO Scholarship as a senior, students must be members of the PTSO for at least two years of their high school career, including their senior year.
  • A portion of your membership dues supports the PTSO Scholarship Fund.  If you would like to make an extra contribution to supplement this fund, it would be greatly appreciated.  All additional scholarship donations are tax deductible as the PTSO is a 501c3 organization.
  • Mail your form and check (made out to CDHS PTSO) to: PTSO Membership, c/o CDHS, 437 Piketown Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112 or send in an envelope, marked "PTSO Membership" to the CDHS PTSO mailbox.

PTSO Services:  

  • Provide refreshments for the Homecoming Dance, MiniTHON, and Senior Awards night.
  • Supply wish list items needed for teachers’ classrooms. • Donate supplies needed for the nurse’s office.
  • Purchase yearly EdPuzzle subscriptions, an online learning tool for CDHS teachers and students.
  • Offer professionally proctored live online practice SAT/ACT exams several times a year. • Host several teachers and staff appreciation breakfasts and lunches throughout the year.
  • Arrange a communication link for parents to the high school. The school principal attends our monthly PTSO meetings to give updates on CDHS. Parents can ask him any questions they have.